Friday, August 24, 2007


I haven't seen my sister for almost 5 years now. I don't even get to talk to her as much as I want to. However, I know that she cares for me as much as I care for her. Like all siblings, we had our share of fights and arguements. When we were kids I would sometimes have these moments when I would say to myself that she is not my real sister. Technically, she is my half sister. My mom died when I was 5 years old and my dad remarried.

The word "half" sort of got lost along the way as we grew up. She wasn't my half sister anymore. Just a sister. I am happy that I have her in my life and that someone calls me "ate". She has been through a lot of trials in life and has always come out stronger than ever.

Now I have two daughters of my own. Like any other family, my kids would play a bit and then start getting on each others nerves. But they can also be very sweet and loving to one another. I hope someday these sisters will become best friends for life.

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